How can I make my room look nicer?
How can I make my room look nicer without swapping out or getting rid of any furniture?
I like minimalistic stuff. I absolutely hate adding bright colours and hanging up little things all over the place so please do not suggest adding paintings or pictures I have no room for that as well.
I also love minimalistic design. I have always felt that less is more. A few pieces of nice furniture, sometimes slightly more expensive, can give a lot of character to a room.
Since you are happy with your furniture, I would only suggest:
- Move around the furniture to create interest zones such as:
- a conversation/watching TV zone
- a reading zone with a nice relaxing chair; or
- install a small desk for a home office;
- If you have enough space, try to move your sofa away from the walls, or to slightly twist it.
2. If your rug does not go well with your furniture, maybe you can change it because it has a huge impact on the overall design. Get a good, natural rug that makes you happy to step on.
3. Most importantly, invest a little bit in beautiful lights. They are the addition that will make your room wow. Shortly, make sure that the ambient light is not the all too common "one bulb in the middle of the room". Use layers of light to define interest zones: floor lamps next to sofas or chairs; ceiling pendant lamp that comes down upon a coffee table; table or sideboard lamps for a sideboard.